Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Ini adalah untuk warna yang dah lamaaaa hati aku tak nampak.
Bila boleh lihat lagi, ya?

"Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you,
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song."

Ya. Sebab waktu aku sentuh tangannya di katil hospital, buat kali terakhir, aku minta sungguh-sungguh, "Fight on. Tolonglah. Jangan tinggalkan aku."
But what to do? Allah lebih sayangkan dia.

This song cuts me deep, everytime. Kekadang rasa macam telan cyanide pun, ada.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Sunny Side

Telur separuh masak.

Siapa antara korang yang tak pernah makan ini?
Tipu kalau tak ada.
Sebab paling tidak pun, ada yang pernah makan.... tapi tak suka.

This food used to be my staple breakfast waktu darjah satu sampai darjah dua.

Had this last night, at Pak Li Kopitiam (lagi). And my mom says, "Kau dulu eeeeevery morning makan benda ni. Sebab tu badan kau macam dipam-pam."

* Tergelak.

Tak apalah kalau macam kena pam pun... Comel what?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Simply... Delicious #1

Honestly, this is one of the best Mee Goreng Mamak, like ever.

I had this while dining out with the family at Pak Li Kopitiam, Giant Meru branch.

It's none like the Mee Goreng Mamak that you've had at any mamak's corner, and none like my favorite Mee Goreng Mamak (ahem) from Kampung Baru.

This one is orange-yellow-ish in colour, taste a little sweet and... have some curry leaves in it. (It is my first time seeing such thing in a Mee Goreng)

Mucho Love

I don't know about those other food they have to offer, but I'll definitely go there to try them.